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The Korea Times
June 14, 2024
A Bitcoin logo is displayed outside a cryptocurrency exchange in Hong Kong, April 15. AFP-Yonhap
June 14, 2024

BlockSquare Seoul to Enhance Crypto Price Analysis Service

Reporter: Lee Yeon-woo

The Korea Times

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The Korea Herald
June 13, 2024
The Goyabot character for BlockSquare Seoul's Retri market intelligence service (BlockSquare Seoul)
June 13, 2024

BlockSquare Seoul to Enhance Market Intelligence Service for Crypto Investors

Reporter: Im Eun-byel

The Korea Herald

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The Korea Herald
Nov 29, 2023
Iron Won, CEO of Youth Meta, poses for photos before an interview with The Korea Herald at the company's headquarters in Seoul, Monday. (Im Se-jun/The Korea Herald)
Nov 29, 2023

BlockSquare Seoul Reads Crypto Market Trends

Reporter: Im Eun-byel

The Korea Herald

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十多年来,VOB基金会深化了与全球加密货币交易所和商业组织的合作伙伴关系,包括L BANK、CoinTR pro和多家国内交易所。VOB自身的代币经济举措包括rising-X平台,这是一个致力于VOB社区加密货币交易的数字平台以及即将推出的NFT项目。我们的合作和计划通过探索新想法和观点,拥抱加密货币景观的复杂性,与代币生态系统内外的个人和组织合作。领导这些合作伙伴关系和举措的团队是VOB基金会。我们的目标是激发有意义的交易体验,培养人工智能在交易中的应用,并推动跨越边界的NFT项目,支持激励我们的代币经济。
The Korea Herald
Dec 12, 2023
BlockSquare Seoul CTO Won Hyuk speaks during an interview held with The Korea Herald at the company's headquarters in Seoul, Dec. 6. (Im Se-jun/The Korea Herald)
Dec 12, 2023

[Herald Interview] BlockSquare CTO on Importance of Real-time Data in Navigating Crypto Market

Reporter: Im Eun-byel

The Korea Herald

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The Korea Herald
Nov 29, 2023
Iron Won, CEO of Youth Meta, poses for photos before an interview with The Korea Herald at the company's headquarters in Seoul, Monday. (Im Se-jun/The Korea Herald)
Nov 29, 2023

[Herald Interview] Decoding Crypto Through Charts

Reporter: Im Eun-byel

The Korea Herald

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The Korea Herald
Dec 12, 2023
Users of the company's charting tool service based in Japan are to hold a meeting in Tokyo on Dec. 17. (Im Se-jun / The Korea Herald)
Dec 12, 2023

BlockSquare Seoul Helps Crypto Investors Reduce Risks

Reporter: Im Eun-byel

The Korea Herald

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